
Japan Institute of Wastewater Engineering and Technology (JIWET:  Japan Institute of Wastewater Engineering and Technology)

The Japan Institute of Wastewater Engineering and Technology was established for the purpose of enhancing the good of the public. It solves various problems related to sewage works by dealing with effective sewage system maintenance, countermeasures against urban flooding due to frequent heavy rains, and global warming measures arising from usage of sewage sludge as a resource, and countermeasures against aging structures, while also promoting the health of the local society, securing public sanitation and the preservation of water quality for public water systems.

The JIWET gathers the experience and knowledge of the those in the government, industry, and academic sectors and carries out investigations, research, development, and assessments pertaining to sewage systems in order to preserve the environment, prevent flood damage, and establish a cycle of resources and energy. By promoting the incorporation of these achievements into sewerage operations JIWET contributes to the society. The JIWET investigates new technology developed in public industries, and conducts objectively verifiable technological examinations.

Pertaining to Japan Institute of Wastewater Engineering and Technology

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