About Deodorant・Adsorbent "Purgelite"
It is a deodorant and adsorbent that can remove all kinds of general household odors using our conventional zeolite synthesis technology and ion exchange technology. It is mainly used in the medical, nursing care, and sanitation fields because it can remove odors such as sweat, garbage, and excretion.
It can be used not only for odor control in the environment, but also for odor control emitted from the material itself (substrate odor).
It can handle not only general odors but also VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds).
Since it physically and chemically adsorbs odors, it has a large adsorption capacity.
High heat resistance and long durability due to immobilization of active ingredients in inorganic porous material.
Purgelite's main application

Automotive Interior Materials (Ceiling, Seat)
Purgelite is a highly durable product that can suppress volatilization and loss of active ingredients, and is expected to have a long-lasting deodorizing effect on resin odors emitted from base materials and odors generated in automobile interiors, which are often highly enclosed environments.

Textile products (interior, apparel, etc.)
Deodorant function can be added as a post-processing to textile products such as sofas, curtains, and clothing, which are prone to various odors generated in daily life (raw garbage, cigarette, aging, excretion, etc.).

Plastic Resin Containers (Plastic Molded Product, Paper Carton Liner)
Since Purgelite has high heat resistance and can be kneaded into plastics, it can be used to add deodorant effects to stretchable films such as garbage bags and plastic bags, as well as to plastic containers.

Interior Construction Materials (Wallpaper, Paint)
Purgelite is effective against indoor odors through the double effects of physical and chemical adsorption. When used in wallpaper and paints, it can deal with VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds) in addition to general household odors. It also has a characteristic of low odor reemission.

Filtration Systems (Air Conditioner Filter, Air Purier)
We have extensive experience in products such as air purifiers and air conditioner filters using non-woven fabrics. We can respond to various odors and substances generated in the space.

Hygiene Products (Diaper, Sanitary Pad)
Because of its effectiveness against excretory odors, it is also used in sanitary materials such as disposable diapers and pads.