About Cosmetic preservative "Ceramedic"
Ceramedic is a highly safe, hypoallergenic, and highly effective preservative for cosmetics.
Conventional preservatives for cosmetics have often used parabens as a means of suppressing microorganisms and bacteria that may occur in cosmetics. However, there are concerns that parabens may cause strong skin irritation.
Ceramedic is an inorganic cosmetic preservative made by loading silver ions onto crystalline aluminosilicates, and is attracting attention as an alternative to parabens.
Official name: Zinc-ammonia-silver complex-substituted zeolite
INCI name: Ammonium Silver Zinc Aluminum Silicate
Name registered with the Federation of Cosmetic Industry Associations: Silicic Acid (Ammonium/Silver/Zinc/Aℓ/) <registration number 558847>.
It is expected to replace parabens, which have been widely used in the past and are highly irritating to the skin.
Registered as a preservative for cosmetics under the Cosmetics Standard (September 29, 2000).
It can now be formulated as an additive in quasi-drugs (March 2015).
Main applications of Ceramedic

Powder foundation
"Ceramedic” is a white fine powder of crystalline aluminosilicate loaded with silver ions. It can be used in powder foundations and other products as a highly safe ‘preservative’ that suppresses the generation of microorganisms. It has been used in many cosmetics since its launch and is widely used in powder products.

Deodorant sheet
"Ceramedic” can be used for cosmetics, medical devices, and other products used in the pharmaceutical field. (Ministry of Health and Welfare Notification No. 331, “Standards for Cosmetics”)

Sheet mask
It can also be applied to sheet masks to avoid the use of organic or alcohol-based preservatives in lotion and other products.