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Safety Test Data07 Chronic toxicity test


This test is to examine the quantity of a test substance producing some kind of toxic effect and the quantity of a test substance producing no effect by observing changes appearing in a test animal's morphological features, when it is administered repeatedly to a test animal for a long period.
The objective of this test is to examine the quantity of a test substance producing some kind of toxic effect (observed adverse effect level) and the quantity of a test substance producing no effect (no observed adverse effect level) by observing changes appearing in a test animal's functions and morphological features, when it is administered repeatedly to a test animal for a long period (12 months or longer). The test reported here is a particularly exhaustive one based on in-depth analysis from the testing of the organs of the test animals and as far-reaching as to the blood, which is considered to meet quite a high standard even from a medical research point of view.

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