About the trademark


“Zeomic” is the company name, product name and also our homebrand. The English word ‘Zeomic’ is a trademark not only in Japan but also in other countries, and we aim to expand globally with the recognition of ‘antimicrobial’.

Other trademarks


Organic/inorganic hybrid mould inhibitor.
It has excellent light and heat resistance and can be used for kneading into plastics, mixing with paints and other applications.


Preservative for cosmetic applications.
Hypoallergenic, hypoallergenic and highly safe.


Antimicrobial grade for concrete. Protects concrete from corrosion in sewage pipeline facilities and sewage treatment plants. Features include ease of treatment, safety and long-lasting effect.


Deodorants and adsorbents that utilise the advantages of inorganic porous materials, mainly zeolites, and some organic materials.
It combines high heat resistance, durability and low re-emission.

Handling of trademarks on the website.
The names of companies, products, etc. mentioned on this website are not necessarily marked with the trademark symbol (R, TM).